
Retirement Calculator | Money Compare

Retirement Calculator

Money Compare Retirement Calculator


Our retirement calculator tool can help you work out how much money you need to save each month to have a comfortable retirement. It can also calculate your monthly retirement income.

This calculator will help you if you’ve ever wondered how much you need to save for retirement, or how many more years you need to work to retire comfortably.

Get started on your retirement plan today by comparing Kiwisaver Funds and comparing Savings Accounts

Retirement Calculator

Retirement Calculator How to use our retirement income calculator

Simply enter your information into the retirements savings calculator. Leave one of the boxes blank and the retirement calculator will work out the value for you. 

Current age: your age at the moment you begin saving for retirement

Retirement age: the age at which you wish to retire. There is no official retirement age in New Zealand (with some exceptions). Many people stop working around the age of 65 – that’s when NZ Super and some other pension payments start. 

Savings amount: your monthly input into your savings account

Amount already saved: the account balance of your savings account  prior to the moment you begin to save for retirement

Investment rate: the yearly interest rate of your savings. Deduct the inflation rate from the nominal interest rate to obtain the real value of your savings. The RBNZ’s target inflation rate for New Zealand is 2% 

Total savings: the total amount of money you will save from today up to your retirement day.

Life expectancy: your life expectancy. You either choose your country from the list of input the value yourself

NZ Superannuation / Social security: enter the monthly income you are entitled to receive from New Zealand Superannuation or other social security

Retirement income: the total monthly retirement income – from both social security and your savings 


How much do I need to retire?

If you want to work out how much to save for retirement, you need to fill out the retirement calculator in reverse order:

  1. Begin with the monthly retirement income you want to receive and the NZ Superannuation / social security income you expect to get
  2. Set your life expectancy, current age and the age you’d like to retire
  3. The calculator with then work out the monthly savings you need to make 

Start saving for your retirement today

The main way to contribute to your retirement savings in New Zealand is through the Kiwisaver scheme.

A KiwiSaver Fund is made up of contributions from you, your employer and the government during your working life, and invested by a KiwiSaver Provider. As with all financial decisions, it is important to choose the best KiwiSaver Fund for you.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to choosing which type KiwiSaver Fund to invest in. You will need to consider your age, how much risk you want to take, and when you plan to withdraw your KiwiSaver fund.  Whilst fees are an important part of the decision, there are a number of factors that help build a picture of the best KiwiSaver fund for you.  

Money Compare can help you compare Kiwisavers to find the best Kiwisaver provider and the best Kiwisaver fund for you. Learn about the different Kiwisaver fund typeshow to change Kiwisaver providers and how to get the most from Kiwisaver by making the minimum contributions

If you are thinking about joining KiwiSaver or thinking about switching your KiwiSaver Provider, our KiwiSaver Comparison Tool to compare KiwiSaver Funds, to help you choose the KiwiSaver Fund that suits you best. 

Compare Kiwisaver Funds